Tune into colour. CJ Challenge Day 8

Tune into colour. CJ Challenge Day 8

Tune in to how you are feeling right now. Pick a colour / range of colours and make a page using only those colour(s).
You can use magazines/paint/pastels/pencils etc. in that colour theme! 

Colour, Eclipse, Changes, Knowing Vs Unknowing…

Now this one was really fun to do. It is sometimes hard and challenging to complete even my self set challenges. It takes commitment, and sometimes I want to have meaning.
I know and have fully experiences that creativity allows for a space to feel, to be, and to allow whatever to happen, happen. To be in the flow, to trust, and not to control. I know this. And yet sometimes, I still just don’t want to do it!
So I took a few days off my creative journaling challenge, and now I am catching up. And after a few days off, it feels harder to get back into it.
But then I started this piece, and i started it as a part of my creative journaling course. I am loving it. I have 7 women, who come, create, share, tell hilarious stories about their lives and incredible insights into themselves and the world, and it fills me, fuels me and reminds me to keep following my heart and do what makes me come alive.

There are so many changes coming for 2013, I can feel it. Some of them I can see now, and some of them are scary because it is all very unknown and I have no idea what it will look like. It is exciting and scary at the same time. Next week I am going to the see the Eclipse in Cairns, at the Eclipse festival. The eclipse is a time of transition, transformation. Of letting go of the old parts of you and your life that you no longer need, that are no longer serving you. It is a time of stillness, the inbetween, where you are about to step into a new stage, new parts of yourself and new experiences are coming. It is interesting that I am running a workshop at this festival about transitioning, and this is exactly where I am finding myself at this point. It feels oddly perfect. I love that I can be so aligned with what I share with those who are drawn to learn and grow with me.

Noticing this artwork, I see the words “good to know” and this reminds me of my urge now to figure things out for next year and to know what will happen. Sometimes that controlling part gets the better of me. But when it comes down to it, I can’t control everything, and I can choose to take action in my life for the things that are important to me.

This piece represents the things that are important to me, including love, being open, passionate and living in the moment, doing new things that make me come alive, spending time around bright colours, sunshine, out in nature, and moving and dancing. People are important to me, dreaming and goals are important to me as they bring me hope. Photography represents creativity, and observing the world with childlike curiosity in order to see things in a fresh way with new and varied perspectives. It is interesting that all the things I am now writing about did not occur to me as I made this piece.
It just speaks to me now, a day later, as if it is now a new character in the book that is my life, here to offer a new insight.
Thank you colour for your reminders!

What does colour mean to you? Do you notice what impact different colours have on you in your life? What about when you wear certain coloured clothes? I’d love to hear from you… I find it so interesting.


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