Companion yourself…

Companion yourself…

9127826The key of my week has been about self nurturance. If you do not make this a part of your life regularly, the core of your being – and – doing… then I have found that my body will find ways to slow me down, by manifesting sickness, stress or anxiety, until i STOP and listen to what I need, listen to the gentleness and reconnect with myself and my body.

On the weekend I went to Daylesford and stayed in a small cottage in the middle of a forrest with two very dear friends, Honor and Saffron. With the rain and the fog, the trees and the spiders, we lit a fire in the fireplace, decorated the cabin with candles and made art, while pondering life. I slept in and woke to the sounds of silence, content and still in a dreamy state. From there we made breakfast and dawdled through the Daylesford Sunday market, and picked up some organic veggies before heading back to Melbourne.

Since then, I have done art everyday, for the past 5 days. Even just a small doodle while on the phone, through to paintings and pastels and collages. I have set up a new space with my art materials at the ready, some cushions and the intention to create, every day. I even picked up the “Artists Way” and realised that I do my own artists way already…

Life is fast paced and can be stressful. There is always more on the to-do list. There is always things that need to be done, bills that need to be paid and errands that need to be taken care of. Then there are DREAMS that are waiting, goals to be set and small stepping stones tasks to take you on your way. Creativity is the energy of life. If you tune into your own creativity, and share it with the people around you, it spreads like wild fire. Each day I have invited someone to create with me, and the conversation that flows while writing, drawing, painting, cutting and pasting is so interesting.

Give it a go and see what will come through. Companion yourself into the realm of possibility, of the unknown, of the way of the creative life. Make a choice- Set a time, when and where? The rest will come from there.

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